A team built with experience in children's services, business, change and quality; and specialists in training, research and consultancy
What’s more, our team is able to develop local solutions, whilst being on top of current and future national developments. We have a strong drive to achieve the highest professional and quality standards at all times. Team members regularly work directly with children, young people, parents, practitioners, partners, local authority officers, and government departments. Which means we have a deep, current and informed understanding of needs, concerns and goals.
Select a staff member for more details:
James Hempsall OBE
James Hempsall is managing director of Coram
Hempsall’s, and national director for Childcare Works.
For over 30 years he has worked in the children’s services sector driving service improvement, effecting change, and leading national implementation of key Government programmes in pre-school learning and childcare. His work has focused on improving learning outcomes for all children with a particular emphasis on least advantaged children, parental employment, equalities and anti-discriminatory practice. His career has been spent supporting organisations across the public, private and voluntary sectors to develop high quality and sustainable childcare, and support families to break the cycles and symptoms of disadvantage and poverty. James was the National Support Director for the DfE Achieving Two Year Olds, the national support programme for the implementation of early learning for least advantaged two-year-olds (2012-2016). After which he became the National Programme Director for Childcare Works national support programmes for DfE: the implementation of 30 hours childcare (2016-2020), and the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) (2021-present). In his career, James has delivered training and qualifications in workplace continuous professional development programmes, further education and university. He is a qualified teacher, holding QTLS and is a Fellow of the Society for Education and Training. He has MAs in the Ethics of Social Welfare, and Psychodynamic Counselling and Psychotherapy. James maintains a caseload of psychotherapy and coaching/mentoring clients, specialising in supporting leaders and executives to achieve success in work and personal lives. James received the OBE in the Queen’s birthday honours list in June 2015 for services to childcare.
James writes blogs and regular columns in the sector press on policy, practice, strategy, and leadership and management. He is the author of Find Joy in the Middle, a book to bring happiness to those often overlooked middle moments in life and work.
Kate Haythornthwaite
Kate Haythornthwaite, Programme Director, is a former
childminder with a strong track record in adult education and joined Hempsall’s
in 2006. Kate holds a Cert Ed and
project leads our extensive training programme of CPD training, delivering
approximately 100s of events each year. Leading a team of around 30 trainers
Kate is responsible for learning outcomes, quality and our safeguarding and
child protection work.
Kate is your first contact when you need training designed and delivered, as she leads the team and quality assurance of their delivery. She leads all our EY Education Covid Recovery programmes on behalf of the Department for Education.
Barbara Wilson MBE
Barbara Wilson is Director of Social Research Ltd., she supports Hempsall’s work by project managing research and national childcare sufficiency projects and by undertaking a Programme Adviser role working with LAs for Childcare Works HAF.
Barbara is a national expert in childcare sufficiency assessment and oversees research activities and reporting and has worked on a wide variety of projects including: evaluation of children’s centres, value for money studies, assessment of traded services, qualitative and quantitative research, evaluations, and numerous childcare sufficiency and demand assessments.
Barbara was lead for childcare sufficiency for several regional government office projects implementing Childcare Act (2006) duties for DfE, and one of four region leads for Achieving Two Year Olds (A2YO), LA adviser for 30 hours, and LA adviser for the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme. She leads the programme of LA childcare sufficiency support for the Department of Education. Barbara also works as a Local Government Association early years social mobility peer reviewer for local authorities and DfE.
Barbara was awarded a much deserved MBE in the Kings Birthday Honours 2023 for services to education.
Jo Pringle MBE
Jo Pringle MBE, Programme Director, has a thorough
knowledge of the business and funding aspects of early years and childcare
She has project managed various early years entitlement pilots and trials both for local authorities and regional government offices. She leads on our business and management consultancy and strategy and engagement with schools.
Jo has been a regional lead for A2YO, our two-year-olds national support and challenge programme for the Department for Education, and a LA adviser for the Childcare Works 30 hours and Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programmes. Jo leads the delivery of our HAF programmes for DfE and on increasing the take-up of Tax Free Childcare for HMRC.
Jo's unique and outstanding approach and contribution was recognised when she was awarded a MBE for services to children and families in the New Year's honours 2021.
Jo Chapman
Jo Chapman, our Business Manager, has worked for Hempsall’s since 2000. Jo is an extremely experienced person in office management and administration having managed several office teams during her career.
She is responsible for the business activities within the organisation and supervision of administration. Jo contributes to continuous improvement and development of processes and procedures. She leads our commitment to a systems approach benefiting internal and external service delivery, including our Quality Management System ISO 9001 2015.
Cevil (CJ) Bishop
CJ joined Coram Hempsall’s in 2024, as a Programme Manager, following more than a decade of practitioner engagement with children, young people, and communities.
CJ has worked in a range of formal and informal settings, including mainstream schools and alternative provision. He has proven to be a transformational leader achieving change with those he has worked with, resulting in sustainable and target achieving programmes for care experienced children, refugee and asylum seeker children, and open-access youth provision.
CJ prides his passion on providing access and practicing inclusion for communities from low socio-economic backgrounds, with the hope of broadening aspirations and overcoming adversity that many experience through new experiences and opportunities. CJ’s impact has seen his legacy sustained at two high-profile organisations in Leicester in two distinct sectors, those being sports and science.
Sufiyan Khalifa
Sufiyan Khalifa, Project Officer, joined Hempsall’s through an apprenticeship placement, and college studies in 2015.
Sufiyan joined us in 2015 as an apprentice and had developed into project support and project officer roles. He officially joined the team as a full time staff member in 2017. Sufiyan assists with the day to day smooth running of the organisation, events, IT, and training. His work includes assisting the business team and Programme Directors with quality assurance of documents, helping run our websites and event systems.
Kara Young
Kara is our Business Administration Apprentice and started with us in 2023.
She supports the administration of our training events and delivery, as well as working closely with the office-based support team to ensure the organisation runs smoothly.
Ros Moseley
Ros Moseley is a former childcare practitioner and is an experienced development officer specialising on working with early years and childcare businesses. Ros’ work has included the provision of advice and support to early years and childcare settings, including business planning, financial forecasting, funding applications, development of out of school childcare, and Ofsted requirements. She delivered our business and quality support to voluntary sector early years settings in Northamptonshire for 10 years.
Kay Williams
Kay has worked for Hempsalls since 2010
She has more that 30 years experience working in the early years sector as a nursery nurse, setting manager, Ofsted inspector, early years advisor and freelance trainer. She currently works for the London borough of Camden as an EYFS team manager. Kay holds a BA (Hons) degree in early childhood studies aswell as an adult teaching qualification.
Cheryl Morris
Cheryl is one of our consultants and trainers.
She began her career in the National Health Service working on a children’s ward as part of a multi-disciplinary team as a play specialist, helping children to regain skills they may have lost as a result of an illness or an accident. Her role also advised parents/carers about the importance of play when assisting their child to reach their full potential.
Since then, Cheryl has enjoyed working in a variety of leadership roles within the children’s services sector supporting all children and their families, in particular those most vulnerable, and breaking the cycle of disadvantage. She is committed and passionate in driving forward quality improvement in service delivery and improving outcomes for children and young people, making a difference to their lives.
In 2009 Cheryl was the strategic Lead for Integrated Childcare Services 0-19 years for a unitary local authority having responsibility for the design and delivery of high quality, sufficient and sustainable childcare across the borough. This included strategic responsibility for Children’s Centre Services to be transferred from Integrated Childcare Services to the newly formed Early Intervention Services.
Cheryl’s thirty years plus of experience is now shared through consultancy and training across children and young people services 0–25 years. Her specialisms include early years and childcare, inclusion, family support services, extended services and play. She has a degree in early education 0-5 years and qualified as an adult teacher when leaving local government. Cheryl designs and delivers services for children and families, both strategically and operationally on a regional and national basis. Her approach is working collaboratively and leading positive change by helping people and communities to be resilient and sustain themselves in an ever-challenging world.
Cathy Barber
Cathy has worked with Hempsall’s since 2011 as a trainer, consultant and HAF adviser. She has a career working in housing with communities based within areas of high deprivation, as the Lead Officer for early years, childcare, and children’s centres for a unitary local authority.
Cathy has worked strategically and operationally across sure start local programmes, children’s centres, extended schools, early years – maintained and non-maintained sectors, Family Information Services (FIS), training and development for childcare providers, and play. She was the designated lead officer for Safeguarding on the LA Children’s Board for Early Years and Childcare.
Having completed a MSc degree in Organisational Development, and qualifying as an adult teacher, in 2011 Cathy became an independent consultant, designing and delivering services for children and families, both strategically and operationally. She works regionally and nationally on work commissioned by the Department of Education, and other national organisations, as well as independent commissioned work.
Cathy has a passion to ensure every child and young person, regardless of their starting point in life, is given the individual opportunity to thrive.
Amanda Grant
Amanda has been a
member of our training team since 2008
She has worked in the sector for over 25 years in a range of roles including as a nursery nurse, setting manager, early years teacher, family learning tutor, early years adviser, consultant and trainer.
Alongside her work for Hempsall’s, Amanda also works for Leicester City Council as a local authority adviser/trainer for the early years sector. Her training subjects use her wide-ranging experiences and practical approaches, and include EYFS, safeguarding and child protection, early years Covid recovery, and recruitment and retention.
Amanda holds a degree in early years and has QTLS status.
Jan Dubiel
Jan Dubiel, is our Programme Director for hey! at Hempsall’s.
Jan has worked within the arena of Early Childhood Education (ECE) for over 30 years in various roles and contexts. He has a particular interest in understanding and knowledge of child development, neuroscience, and interface with theories and research to best support and educate young children.
He is a specialist in early years in nursery, reception and year in educator roles. As a Local Authority Consultant and then Senior Adviser for Early Years, he supported depth of understanding, and practice to provide effective and impactful support across the range of provision for children aged Birth to 5, within the PVI sector, childminders and schools-based provision.
As the National Lead for the (EY)FS Profile Jan was responsible for developing the assessment element and enabling support to provide accurate data on children’s attainment at the end of reception. He has also held roles as the National and International Director for a commercial CPD provider, responsible for developing a DfE accredited baseline assessment model and a qualification for international kindergarten educators. Both were steeped in the knowledge and understanding of how we understand and support young children’s learning and development.
Denise Burke
Denise works as one of our advisers on several national projects. She has over 35 years’ experience in early years and childcare across all sectors.
Denise is the co-founder of United for All Ages looking at intergenerational care approaches, and undertakes commercial due diligence for investors and childcare providers.
Her previous roles have included: Head of Youth & Childcare, London Development Agency (2004–2010) leading and advising on the London Mayors’ EY, childcare and youth strategy; Head of EY and Childcare, Peterborough City Council; Out of School Childcare Manager, Greater Peterborough Chamber/TEC.
Denise has also held a non-exec role as chair of a nursery group, and CEO of Smallsteps in the Netherlands. She has been chair of BBC Children in Need, London and South East Region, and a chair and school governor for over 35 years.
Stephanie Douglas MBE
Stephanie is a Senior Expert Adviser with Coram Hempsall’s and manages a team of early years and childcare advisers who support and advise local authorities through Childcare Works.
For over 40 years, Stephanie has worked in education and childcare across all elements of the sector.She has had a wide experience in a variety of positions in education and childcare, increasingly within the field of early years education, childcare sufficiency, and inclusion. Recent roles include Local Authority Heads of Service in a large rural county and in a city, freelance educational consultant working with local authorities, Initial Teacher Training (ITT) providers, schools, early years providers and Children’s Centres/Family Hubs, an associate university lecturer, Ofsted Inspector for schools and also Ofsted Inspector for early years and Children’s Centres.
Working as a teacher, Primary School Headteacher, Ofsted Inspector, Primary/Early Years Adviser and Head of Service for an award-winning Early Years Service, her experiences include contributions to research projects, HMI studies on financial management, lecturing for educational bodies and chairing regional educational groups. Stephanie has addressed regional and national conferences on a range of educational issues with a particular focus on early years and inclusion, including Early Help. At a national level, she was involved in DfE led pilots for the revised EYFS Profile and on the development of the Family Hub model and sat on several national and regional groups, including the award winning South Yorkshire Futures initiative. In 2022, Stephanie became Head of Intervention and Prevention for a local authority, extending her existing role to include all early years services, SEND 0-5, childcare sufficiency, Families Information Service, SENDIAS, Early Help and Family Hubs.
Stephanie was awarded the MBE in 2021 for services to Education and Early Years. Underpinning all of Stephanie’s ongoing work is a continuing passion, energy, and desire to make a practical and meaningful contribution to the early years sector, its development and, above all, improvements in outcomes and life chances for young children and their families.
Tanya Petherick
Tanya Petherick is an Expert Adviser with a particular interest in wraparound. Tanya brings a diverse range of experience. She started her working life as a European Marketing Manager for a US-based software company.
Whilst she loved her job, software did not align with her values so after 7 happy and successful years she resigned to go travelling. Upon her return, she started to help her sister with a reasonably newly formed out-of-school company. Tanya had no experience of working directly with children (and still doesn’t!), but she quickly grasped the value high quality play experiences could bring to children and was delighted when her sister asked her to become a co-director of the company.Together they set about growing the business, and for a time were one of the largest group providers of out-of-school clubs in the country; employing over 180 people and providing regular out-of-school clubs for around 4,500 children. The company was sold in December 2019.
Throughout the pandemic, Tanya had been considering how she could support providers.Her focus has always been on the business side.She completed an MBA in 2021, and part of her research showed that providers have great skills when working with children, but less so when running a business or managing a team.So, in May 2022, Tanya set up the Club Central Conference to help embed better skills into providers.
Tanya is also a qualified executive coach and mentor and she currently mentors business leaders in a wide range of professions to help their businesses thrive.She brings a clarity and strategic vision to the people she works with.
Lorraine Penson
Lorraine has been working with Coram Hempsall’s since 2021 as a consultant and HAF Adviser.
Lorraine has over 30 years’ experience of working in social care and early education. Working in the voluntary, private and local government sectors at both strategic and operational levels, supporting children and families in some of the most deprived communities. Leading on Sure Start local programme., Children’s Centres and Parenting Support Unit and Strategy development. Along with Supporting the development of Neighbourhood Nursery Initiative (NNI) and Extended Schools programme.
Throughout this work Lorraine piloted new initiatives and new ways of working across the field of childcare and family support, ensuring a constant improvement of quality and ease to access services for all.
Lorraine has also served as a school governor at numerous schools over a 20-year period.
Qualified as an adult tutor in 1998 and went on to study post graduate qualifications at both Middlesex and Warwick universities. Lorraine went on to support and champion cross agency training for professionals, along with giving parents a voice and understanding their child’s strengths and needs.
Lorraine has a passion to ensure every child no matter their background is given the opportunity to develop and thrive, opening opportunities and experiences to ensure that every child and young person has a voice.
Kate Freeman
Qualified as a Speech and Language Therapist and with CMI management (level 7) and coaching qualifications, Kate Freeman supports local authorities, national organisations, charities and other organisations to transform the lives of children and young people who are especially vulnerable due to their age, disadvantage, SEND or specific circumstances.
Kate has significant experience in programme development and delivery, CPD delivery, partnership working and consultancy work: Creating innovative solutions to developing and implementing strategic change to support vulnerable children and families, Kate specialises in partnership work with extensive beneficiary impact.
Alongside work for Coram Hempsall’s, Kate manages and delivers Early Years and SEND peer reviews for the Local Government Association, has supported Library services and Family Hubs development and has worked in partnership to develop Speech and Language Pathways and Early Years Strategies.
Kate’s first series of books (the Words Together series) were published by Routledge in May 2022.
Kate’s strengths include communication; connectedness; empathy; responsibility; resilience, as well as transferable skills in service delivery, programme development and strategic support. Kate’s adaptable experience ranges across health, social care, education and the third sector.”
Lucy Lewin
Lucy Lewin is the founder and CEO of the Profitable Nursery Academy and Little Angels (Uppingham) Day Nursery Limited. She brings over two decades of expertise in early childhood education, driving strategic growth and operational excellence in the sector.
Lucy's innovative and child-centred approach has transformed educational settings, earning her recognition as a leading figure in the local and national education community.
Lucy’s career is marked by her dedication to enhancing the quality of early years education through robust leadership and community engagement. She has led significant initiatives, such as the "Cardboard Box Approach," fostering creativity and independence in young learners. Under her stewardship, Little Angels Uppingham has doubled its revenue and reduced personnel expenses, setting a benchmark for financial sustainability and educational excellence.Lucy is a certified Gallup Strengths Coach and works with organisations on Transformational Leadership, culture, crisis management and business support
Sue Williams
Sue has been a member of our training team since 2012.
With almost 40 years in the sector, Sue has enjoyed a range of roles including an NNEB Nursery Nurse in full day care, Head of Nursery at two independent schools, once of which Sue started the nursery department from scratch and the other, was declining in numbers and due to close. Sue worked closely with both teams to turn both nursery departments into huge successes. Sue then ventured into Local Government, enjoying different roles for 3 different Local Authorities over a 12yr period, an Early Years Quality Assurance Officer, a Birth To Three Officer and finally as a Children's Workforce Development Officer. Throughout her Local Authority work, Sue delivered many training programmes across Early Years and it was during her time in Local Authority that she trained to be a Teacher in the post 16 sector. After leaving Local Authority work, Sue used her Teaching qualification in FE and taught on a range of Early Years qualifications at L1, L2, L3 and Foundation Degree courses.
Sue now combines all of her experiences, still working in FE but now as a Business Programme Manager - Early Years, Education and Healthcare Apprenticeships, supporting settings to recruit apprentices into the workforce, ensuring programme delivery is effective and of a high standard to help improve outcomes for children.
Rebekah Jackson Reece
Rebekah is a well-respected childcare success coach who has specialised in supporting and developing the out of school sector for the last 20 years.
Through her consultancy company The Bold Type Limited, and as CEO at Out of School Alliance, a membership and ‘one stop shop’ for support, advice and information for out of school providers in England, Rebekah is considered a leading expert in the out of school and wraparound childcare sector in England.
Victoria White
Nicola Sawyer
Nicola is an Early Years and Childcare Adviser with Coram Hempsall’s, providing support and advice to local authorities through Childcare Works.
Nicola has worked within local authority Education and Childrens Services for over 23 years, with responsibility for delivery of Early Years Funding, Market Management and Childcare Sufficiency. She has extensive experience in strategic policy development and implementation and has been involved in the roll out and delivery of many national programmes including the Neighbourhood Nursery Initiative, funded places for disadvantaged 2-year-olds, the 30 hours childcare policy and the current childcare reforms.Nicola also supported the development of York's award-winning Shared Foundation Partnerships, which have been the focus of independent research evaluations and taken as an example of Early Years System Leadership by the National College for Teaching and Leadership.
Nicola is passionate about early years and has a strong commitment to the development and delivery of high quality, child-focused inclusive services.
Graham Arnold
Graham Arnold is an early years and childcare adviser with Coram Hempsall’s, providing support and advice to local authorities through Childcare Works.
Qualified in finance and in training and development, Graham has worked in a variety of early years roles since 2002, covering early years funding, children's centre development, Sure Start strategy, and childcare sufficiency. Graham worked for a number of years as an early years data specialist for the Centre for Excellence and Outcomes (C4EO). He has led a number of early years developments in Cambridgeshire, including funded places for two-year-olds and extended hours for working parents, winning a Childcare Works award in 2018. As the Forest School strategy lead in Cambridgeshire, Graham co-authored a paper with Forest School author Sara Knight on the impact of Forest School activity in the early years in 2019, and completed a Masters in Education at the University of Sheffield in 2022.
Graham is committed to the unique contribution of early years to a successful society, and to enhancing the status of those who dedicate their lives to young children's development.
Neville Ward
Neville has worked within local authority Education and Childrens Services for over 23 years, with responsibility for delivery of Early Years Funding, Engagement with Providers and Childcare Sufficiency.
He has extensive experience in strategic policy development and implementation and has been involved in the roll out and delivery of many national programmes including the Neighbourhood Nursery Initiative, Sure Start Local Programmes, funded places for disadvantaged 2-year-olds, the 30 hours childcare policy and the current childcare reforms. Prior to this Neville spent 15 years working in a variety of roles for Lloyds Bank during which time he developed knowledge and experience in relation to business planning and development.
Neville is passionate about the role and value of local government and has a strong commitment to the development and delivery of high quality, multi-agency, child focused services. He has a love of popular music, live music in particular, and likes nothing more than being outdoors.