We post the latest industry news and blogs
From lockdown to now: Five years of looking back and moving forward
Our worlds changed on 23 March 2020. We were united by a sense of uncertainty, feelings of anxiety, and of confusion around what was to come.
Taking a long look at the policy landscape in early years and childcare
We’re used to change in the early years and childcare sector. Some it we can see coming a mile off, some of it comes unexpectedly. No one saw the Covid pandemic coming in 2020, and the Brexit referendum result was on a knife-edge back in 2016.
Reflecting on 25 years of Coram Hempsall's
When Hempsall’s was established at the very beginning of 2000, James Hempsall OBE MBACP FSET and Barbara Wilson knew then that working together to support everyone to meet the childcare challenge was going to be useful, exciting, and necessary. Here they reflect on that time and some of the learning along the way, the approaches taken, and things to take forward for whatever happens next.
Change the approach to targeting early years for disadvantaged children
A recent Coram Family and Childcare research report from reinforced what we have sadly come to know about targeted and universal funded early education and childcare entitlements.
Leicestershire Family Hubs
The government announced in the Autumn Budget 2024 that £69m funding would be allocated to Family Hubs for their continuation in 2025-2026.The announcement was welcomed by the Family Hubs Network
Navigating the NIC Increase: A Roadmap for Early Years Settings
This issue’s Hot Topic Blog is from Lucy Lewin, nursery provider and a valued member of our associate team delivering provider support.
Not everything is countable, but early education outcomes are
Not everything is countable, but early education outcomes are.
Through our hey! (Hempsall’s Early Years) programme, we have worked with many professionals and organisations concerned with evidence, impact, data, and evaluation.